South Campus | 2731 Ala Kinoiki • 8:30am & 10:15am
North Campus | 4000 Kilauea Road • 9:30am
Sunday Gatherings
We are a wild collection of characters that have come to faith in Jesus — our common denominator is the fact that we are incomplete souls in need of having our foul-ups forgiven by the One who paid for our sins on the cross.
There’s a place for you here
From keiki to adults — Kaua’i Christian Fellowship has a wide variety of ministries to get plugged into.
Sunday Mornings
We rotate our presenters and our worship bands. The experience might change a bit from week to week, but what you can typically expect is a team that works hard to make sure to present God’s timeless truths.
The Anchor House
Through Christ-centered Bible training and hands on practical experience, a year at the Anchor House will help you build a strong foundation for your future.
An adventure in learning, serving and growing in the Christian Faith. Designed to deepen your faith through Christ-centered Bible training and hands on practical experience doing ministry, the Anchor House will help you build a strong foundation for the future whether in further schooling, a trade or everyday living.
Fall 2024 currently in session.
New Podcast: A conversation with Aaron Hoff
Rick sits down with Aaron Hoff to talk about the challenges of raising kids on Kaua’i.
New series on the Book of Matthew!
Join Pastor Dain every Tuesday at 7:00pm for a study on the The Gospel of Matthew. There are some AMAZING truths hidden in this book, including the true answer to critics of "contradictions," the grace of God and much more.
issue 16 | Winter 2024
Twice annually, our ministry leaders share updates on the latest developments within their ministries for our KCF Magazine. Explore the highlights in the most recent issue available now!
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events
Ladies Bible Study
Study on Ephesians | Starts Tuesday, January 21st |10 am | Mauka Room
Contact Alicia for more information: (808) 346 -1756
Mom’s Morning Out
Enjoy breakfast and fellowship with other moms | childcare provided| Every other Friday starting January 31st | 9am | Mauka room | Register here
KCF Family Camp
April 11-13 | Camp Hale Koa | Sign up to get your spot. Email: